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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
01/30/23 Why do bad things happen? Wilson Adams Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting 2023_01_30_Wilson_Adams_Why_Do_Bad_Things_Happen.mp3
01/29/23 The Verse that Changes Your Life Wilson Adams Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting 2023_01_29_Wilson_Adams_The_Verse_that_Changes_Your_Life.mp3
01/29/23 Faith Dare! Finding the Blessed Assurance Wilson Adams Gospel Meeting Sun AM 01292023__Sunday_AM_Wilson_Adams.mp3
01/22/23 Doing Our Best Kasey Harbin N/A Sun AM 2023_01_22_Kasey_Harbin_Doing_Our_Best.mp3
01/15/23 Use Your Talents to Glorify God Kasey Harbin N/A Sun AM 2023_01_15_Kasey_Harbin_Use_Your_Talents.mp3
01/08/23 How We Worship Kasey Harbin N/A Sun AM 2023_08_01_Kasey_Harbin_How_We_Worship.mp3 Kasey_Harbin_-_Does_It_Matter_How_We_Worship.pptx
01/01/23 Our Faith in the New Year AJ Price N/A Sun AM 2023_01_01_AJ_Price_Our_Faith_in_the_New_Year.mp3
12/25/22 The Humanity of Jesus Kasey Harbin N/A Sun AM 2022_12_25_Kasey_Harbin_The_Humanity_of_Jesus.mp3
12/18/22 Sermon on the Mount Kasey Harbin N/A Sun AM 2022_12_18_Kasey_Harbin_Bible_Sermon_On_The_Mount.mp3
12/11/22 Matthew 7 - Beware of False Prophets AJ Price N/A Sun AM 2022_12_11_AJ_Price_Matthew7_Beware_of_False_Prophets.mp3
12/04/22 Sermon on the Mount - Keep Seeking, Asking, Knocking Kasey Harbin N/A Sun AM 2022_12_04_Kasey_Harbin_Sernon_on_the_Mount_Asking-Seeking-Knocking2.mp3
11/27/22 Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 7 Kasey Harbin N/A Sun AM 2022_11_27_Kasey_Harbin_Sernon_on_the_Mount_Matthew7.mp3
11/20/22 Sermon on the Mount - Worry Kasey Harbin N/A Sun AM 2022_11_20_Kasey_Harbin_Sernon_on_the_Mount_Worry.mp3
11/13/22 Follow the Actions of God AJ Price N/A Sun AM 2022_11_13_AJ_Price_Follow_the_Actions_of_God.mp3
11/08/22 Conversion Jeff May Gospel Meeting Gospel Meeting Gospel_Meeting_-_Jeff_May_-_Three_Stages_of_Conversion.ppt 2022_11_08_Jeff_May_Conversion.mp3
11/08/22 Jesus in the Home Jeff May N/A Gospel Meeting Gospel_Meeting_-_Jeff_May_-_Jesus_in_My_Home.ppt 2022_11_07_Jeff_May_Jesus_in_the_Home.mp3
11/06/22 Sermon on The Mount Pride go before destruction Kasey Harbin N/A Sun AM Kasey_Harbin_-_sermon_on_mount_5.pptx 2022_11_06_Kasey_Harbin_Sernon_on_the_Mount_Pride.mp3
10/30/22 Sermon on The Mount Kasey Harbin N/A Sun AM 2022_10_30_Kasey_Harbin_Sermon_On_the_Mount.mp3
10/23/22 Relationship and Attitude Toward Other People Kasey Harbin N/A Sun AM Kasey_Harbin_-_sermon_on_the_mount_3.pptx 2022_10_23_Kasey_Harbin_Relationship_and_Attitude_Toward_Other_People.mp3
10/16/22 Sermon on the Mount - Matthew 5-7 Kasey Harbin N/A Sun AM Kasey_Harbin_-_kingdom_righteousness.pptx 2022_10_16_Kasey_Harbin_Sermon_on_the_Mount_Matthew5.mp3
10/09/22 Communicating To Jesus AJ Price N/A Sun AM 2022_10_09_Aj_Communicating_To_Jesus.mp3
10/02/22 You Are The Light of The World AJ Price N/A Sun AM AJ_Price-You_are_the_light_of_the_world.pptx 2022_10_02_AJ_Price_You_Are_The_Light_of_The_World.mp3
09/25/22 Sermon on the Mount - Salt of the Earth Kasey Harbin N/A Sun AM salt_of_the_earth.pptx 2022_09_25_Kasey_Harbin_Salt.mp3
09/18/22 Sermon on The Mount Kasey Harbin N/A Sun AM Sermon_on_the_Mount_3.pptx 2022_09_18_Kasey_Harbin_Sermon_on_The_Mount_Cont.mp3
09/11/22 Sermon on The Mount Kasey Harbin N/A Sun AM Kasey_Harbin_-_sermon_on_the_mount_2.pptx 2022_09_11_Kasey_Harbin_Sermon_on_The_Mount.mp3

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